Mommy Life & Style

10 Safety Tips for Dining at the Dinner Table with your Baby or Toddler

how to safely dine with your baby
Mommy Life & Style

10 Safety Tips for Dining at the Dinner Table with your Baby or Toddler

how to safely dine with your baby

Make dining with your baby extra safe by following these 10 simple safety tips for dining with your baby or toddler! Buon appetito!

Mommy Life & Style

10 Safety Tips for Dining at the Dinner Table with your Baby or Toddler

Make dining with your baby extra safe by following these 10 simple safety tips for dining with your baby or toddler! Buon appetito!

how to safely dine with your baby

1. Use Anti-Slippery Place Mats

We recommend using anti-slippery place mats and to always position them far from the edges of your dining table. This way, your baby won’t be able to pull them whether they’re playing around or eating at their high chairs.

Remember that falling objects like plates, forks, or knives can be extremely dangerous, regardless of whether your baby is sitting at the table like a big boy or standing on the floor and curiously reaching up at the table and pulling at the place mat.


2. Non-Slip Tablecloths

Consider inserting a non-slip tablecloth underlay to avoid nasty accidents: your baby could be tempted to pull your tablecloths, not only resulting in a huge mess but, more importantly, posing a tremendous risk of injury due to falling objects.

Placing an underlay will also help in preventing damages to your dining table, especially if it’s made out of wood, and will make the cleaning process easier.

3. Watch out for the Cutlery Positions

Here is one that comes from the heart! When I had my little, I always ran into dangerous moments when I had them with me at the dining table. So I made sure my family adopted a new place setting etiquette that went hand in hand with my Baby Proofing Plan goals: 

  • Set your forks and knives above your plate, where they are out of arm’s reach of your baby or toddler.
  • When you’re done eating, do not place your fork and knife at 5 o’clock, as the age old rules of etiquette claims. Now you’re thinking in mode of baby proofing: when you’re finished eating, place your utensils above your plate like in the picture below:

4. Dining Table Edges

We recommend keeping the edges of your dining table completely clear at all times, especially if you’re not in your dining room. A few moments of distraction could give your baby enough time to try and grab the dishes, sharp knives, or other objects that you might have left on the table!

A good rule of thumb is to keep everything at at least 7’’ (that’s slightly bigger than the size of your hand) from the edge of the dining table. This way it will be more difficult for your baby to grab onto the things placed on your dining table.

For a safer home, learn everything about baby proofing here.

5. Use Safe and Comfy Bibs 

Opt for bibs that can be adjusted and have multiple sizes, this way your baby will always be comfortable with his soft bib. We also recommend getting a soft bib with a simple design, without any small parts stitched onto it – this is both for baby’s comfort and safety.

And finally, we suggest getting an easy-to-clean bib. Things might get messy!

Our durable Muffin Soft Bib, made out of soft organic cotton, can accompany your baby throughout his growth thanks to its adjustable nickel-free snaps.

super soft pima cotton bibs for babies

6. Go for Sturdy and Resistant High Chairs

In picking the perfect high chair, we recommend getting a sturdy one with strong breaks and resistant straps. This is to avoid accidents in case your baby decides to throw a temper tantrum while sitting on his high chair. 

For more safety, regularly check that your baby’s weight is below the high chair’s maximum weight limit. They grow up so fast!

Make sure that your baby is not able to reach the dining table with their feet to avoid having them kick the plates and cutlery off the table, or worse, kick the dining table causing their high chair to fall over.



7. Baby-Proofed Cutlery and Cups

When handing your baby cutlery or cups, always make sure that the edges of the fork and the rest of the cutlery don’t have any sharp edges. Your baby’s cutlery should also be durable, to avoid having small pieces of it being detached and potentially swallowed by your baby.

Make sure to also check that they have been tested and that the materials used to fabricate your baby’s cutlery and cups have been proven safe for babies.

8. Check Baby’s Food Size

Before letting your baby eat by themself, make sure to double check that the food is cut is an appropriate size for them to be able to eat it safely.

Have a glass of water by hand, and research some Baby CPR techniques to be ready just in case.

9. Keep the Dining Area Clean

We recommend always keeping your dining area squeaky clean, before and after eating!

Small crumbs or other potential choking hazards might be lying around your dining table, as well as food that your baby is allergic to.

10. Dining Out with Your Baby

Whenever you decide to go dine out with the whole family, including your sweet baby, we highly suggest that you bring these essentials with you:

  • Baby food and healthy snacks
  • Your baby’s soft bib (either cloth or single use)
  • Baby’s cutlery and cup
  • A water bottle
  • Baby’s burp cloth 
  • Baby wipes
  • Travel bag where you can store baby’s used bib and cutlery

Before reserving a table, always call the restaurant priorly to check if they have high chairs available – holding your baby on your lap while eating can be dangerous and not so fun for either of you!
Also let them know if you’ll be arriving with a stroller. That way they will be able to accommodate your family in the best way possible.

Let us know what you think and give us your own personal tips and suggestions by signing up and commenting below. Or tag us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter @amuffinintheoven.

About the Author

Aurora loves making tiramisù and long walks by the beach, and is still trying to find a way to make this sound less like a dating app bio.

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